Page 11:
idea 4 ~ open hand


The works of early moving image makers such as Eadweard Muybridge are interesting for a number of reasons. Firstly, the subject matter is of a different era (always interesting) and secondly, most importantly, the films are so short and usually seen on a loop. Watching a horse repeating its gallop or a bison charge over and over again is a bit like a mantra. The analytical process is based around really looking in detail, studying it and then responding by recording. Going back to this process of a simple set of movements was at the heart of this idea.

Concept and reference points
Starting with the in-built camera on the Apple Mac, a video was made of my hand opening and closing. Using screen shots and Photoshop the hands were cut down into a short set of stills and put onto a disk.

By building a two-way spinning device, the opening and closing hand was brought to life. The ‘parlour room spinning game’ by Muybridge (Phenakistoscope) was the starting inspiration for the piece, but also the quote at the opening page of this book (Zen statement in Salinger’s book) was a source of inspiration.

My spinning device was rather crude and in retrospect worked better on the internet. What was required was a fast ticking device to make movement slicker. However, the results were interesting.

A stand-alone device that can be controlled will be built that will allow for more control over speed and transportation of the model.


