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Source code: image_text

Built with Processing

No. 7
image & text
by paul glennon 2005

Now using a combination of the code from the previous two
I am combining text and image.

Remember that the image jpg needs to be copied across.

//image and text by paul glennon


PImage b;
b = loadImage("sun.jpg");
image(b,49,10,width/1.5,height/1.5); //1 is actual size (1.1 - smaller and so on)

PFont font; //selecting the font in processing
font = loadFont("Haettenschweiler-48.vlw"); // actual font
textFont(font,30); // size
fill(255,0,0); //font colour
text("indoor sun",100,180); //("actual words in here",x,y - bottom left hand corner)